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Harris Westminster

Helping our local youth develop the tools to successfully enter the business world

Partnering with Harris Westminster

At Elixirr we’re a firm not of employees, but entrepreneurs. It is this mindset that runs throughout the business and we believe is integral to the next generation of leaders – the generation that will tackle fundamental issues like climate change from innovative angles. Generating and nurturing long-term relationships with young people is therefore key.

Over the past four years, we have partnered with Harris Westminster Sixth Form – a school local to our main office in London – to do just that. Harris Westminster aims to provide a top level education to students from all socio-economic backgrounds, helping them gain places at top rate universities.

Our innovation programme

We’ve partnered with Harris Westminster to run an 8-week innovation programme which guides students through the process of a design sprint, equipping them with the skills to identify gaps in the market, develop MVPs and pitch to “investors”. With ideas from NFTs to health tech, the results are always patent-worthy…

Beyond this, we offer work experience and internships to those who are interested. In 2022, we proudly took on our first two alumni interns.

“The work that Elixirr have done with our students has been remarkable, inspiring their entrepreneurial tendencies and creativity. The presentations at the end of eight weeks’ work have been clear, slick and extremely professional – students have clearly been given a thoroughly valuable insight into the world of business. “
James Handscombe – Executive Principal Harris Westminster Sixth Form

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