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Target Operating Model

A target operating model is the future blueprint for an organization’s people, processes and technology to successfully deliver on its vision and the desired customer experiences. Make sure it’s set up for success with our team of experts.

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Our expertise

A Target Operating Model (TOM) provides a high-level representation of how an organization plans to achieve its strategic vision and a blueprint for how people, processes and technology interact to support the intended customer and colleague experience. The holistic nature of a TOM enables individuals to visualise the organization from a variety of perspectives across the value chain.

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At Elixirr, we are unique in the way we work with you. We understand your business pain-points and undertake collaborative design thinking sessions to map out desired value propositions, alongside taking a ‘test and iterate’ approach to design the perfect custom TOM that is right for your organization . Unlike others, we place significant importance on not just leaving you with an artefact, but creating a roadmap that enables you to implement the change.

Client Spotlight

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AI case study

Generative AI

Mid-size retail bank: establishing a generative AI governance model

Elixirr helped them design and build a target operating model that allowed them to scale without the reliance on manual processes, breaking the link between revenue and people.

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Target Operating Model

Global emerging markets bank: delivering a leading liquidity management reporting capability

Our client, a global emerging markets bank, needed to create and implement an effective analytical capability which would fulfil their fiduciary duties and obligations to shareholders and regulators

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Sales assistant

Target Operating Model

UK department store

With a PMO too immature for large-scale, business-wide, concurrent transformations, this retailer was looking for help. So we set up an effective PMO operating model for them & developed the governance, processes & tools to support it.

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Set your business up for success by transforming your operating model.

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Brandon Bichler
