This successful family-owned fashion and apparel brands company recognised that the pace of change in the external environment was outstripping the pace of change within their organisation. They wanted to introduce a culture of entrepreneurialism, involving more employees in initiatives so they could identify new growth opportunities for their brands and pursue these opportunities in a new more agile way.

Why Elixirr?

We were engaged on the back of our strong track record in immersing executives into the innovation ecosystems of Silicon Valley and London, helping them discover what’s possible, developing new propositions and embedding new ways of working in their organisations.

The challenge

This brands company was looking to shake things up inside their organisation. They wanted to find a way to ensure they pursue and develop new opportunities outside of the constraints of their existing ways of working. They were looking for support in quantifying the size of opportunities, identifying the resources and business model required, and creating business cases to demonstrate the viability of the proposed propositions.

The approach

We conducted market analysis, customer surveys, and interviews to quantify the size of the opportunity. We led workshops attended by cross-functional brand teams who worked together to define the most appropriate business models to support the development of brand opportunities. Through this they were able to identify the resources, activities and operational parameters required.

The value

We produced a solid, commercial business plan for each of the proposed brand opportunities. Every one covered strategy, target customers, value proposition, products and services, operating model, marketing, financial model and business case. This gave them the strong foundations they were looking for to pitch the plans to their Executive Committee.